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企 业 名 称:福建俊雄泳装织造有限公司

所 属 网 库:漳浦休闲网库

联 系 人:李熏宝先生

职 位:业务部经理

员 工 人 数:101 - 200 人

主 营 产 品:泳装 泳衣 泳裤 泳帽 瑜珈服 冲浪服 单车裤 健身服 跳舞服 T恤衫 背心 短裤

公 司 地 址:中国 福建 漳浦县 盘陀工业区西厝

联 系 电 话:0086-0596-13859261197

邮 政 编 码:363202

移 动 电 话:13859....点击此处可查看手机号

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注 册 资 金:未知

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    经 营 模 式:有限责任公司 ;生产加工

    主 营 行 业:泳装、泳裤 其他运动服 球服、球裤


      俊雄泳装织造有限公司座落于著名的文化城市-福建省漳州市漳浦县,专业生产游泳衣.泳裤.比基尼.冲浪服.单车裤.瑜珈服.健身服.跳舞服.T恤衫等弹力运动服饰;公司一直注重产品的创新开发,管理的体制健全,公司设立产品研发中心,不断开发新面料,研究新工艺,采用TQM全面品质管理,从进料、生产、包装、出货,都按严格程序进行控制,以确保产品的新颖及高品质。以“快、狠、准”为宗旨,快速回应现代社会多品种、少批量的需求,狠捉产品的质量以提升竞争力,准确的交货期使您能安心.放心。   在未来的日子里,俊雄以合理的价格.精湛的技术、先进的工艺,卓越的品质及快捷的速度与国内外客商合作,我们热诚期待您的光临与指导。Junxiong swimwear company in Fujian Province is located in the famous cultural city - Quanzhou, Fujian Province, specializing in the production of swimwear. Swimwear. Bikini. Surfing service. Cycling pants. Yoga clothes.健身服. Dance clothes. T-shirts and other sportswear stretch ; the company has been focusing on product innovation and development, management of the economy is a robust, the company set up R & D Center, and continuously develop new fabrics, research new techniques, the use of TQM Total Quality Management, from the feed, production, packaging, shipping, are in accordance with strict procedures control to ensure that new products and high quality. 'Fast, tough, quasi-' for the purpose, rapid response to modern society, more varieties, less volume of demand, hard to catch the quality of products to enhance competitiveness and accurate delivery time so you can feel at ease. Rest assured. In the days to come, Junxiong at reasonable prices. Exquisite technology, advanced technology, superior quality and fast speed and domestic and foreign merchants to cooperate, and we look forward to your presence and guidance.
    评论:福建俊雄泳装织造有限公司 (注:标题和内容都是必须填的)
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    网评:福建俊雄泳装织造有限公司 泳装; 泳衣; 泳裤; 泳帽; 瑜珈服; 冲浪服; 单车裤; 健身服; 跳舞服; T恤衫; 背心;短裤注册资金:人民币1000.00万 福建。
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