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企 业 名 称:慈溪市迪克渔具有限公司

所 属 网 库:慈溪休闲网库

联 系 人:孙军辉先生

职 位:销售采购*销售

员 工 人 数:未知

主 营 产 品:氧气泵 增氧泵 AIR PUMP fishing air pump aquarium air pump fish air pump 充氧泵 水族气泵 应急气泵 垂钓气泵 微型氧气泵 12V车载氧气泵 充氧泵 釣用エアーポンプ エアポンプ 乾電池式エアーポンプ 酸素エアーポンプ

公 司 地 址:中国 浙江 慈溪市 坎墩街道三四灶塘南路226号

联 系 电 话:86-0574-63286199

电 子 邮 箱:231714719@qq.com

邮 政 编 码:315303

移 动 电 话:13777....点击此处可查看手机号

公 司 传 真:0086-0574-63286199

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    注 册 资 金:未知

    经 营 模 式:私营独资企业 ;生产加工

    主 营 行 业:离心泵 垂钓用品


      迪克渔具有限公司是一家专业生产中低档增氧泵渔用产品的企业。 座落在著名的工业重镇慈溪市坎墩工业区内。企业总投资200万元,占地面积2000平方米,拥有先进的增氧泵生产流水线2条及五金、烤漆、印刷、注塑等一条龙生产设备,有员工近30余人,其中具有经验丰富的专业技术人员5人。自创业以来,迪克一直致力于渔用增氧泵的研制、开发和生产。在长期的实践中,公司秉着“诚信、务实、创新”的企业精神,坚持以市场为准绳,以科学为导向的经营理念,企业蓬勃发展。迪克旗下的增氧泵系列产品,凭着优雅的外面造型和无与伦比的卓越性能, 在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出,产品远销欧美、东南亚及中东各国,赢得了国内外客商的广泛好评!面对新的市场机遇,迪克人将以更高的热情来投身渔具行业,创造新的业绩,努力倡导渔具文化,为迪克的腾飞写下新的篇章。 Dike Fishing Tackle Co., Ltd, located in the famous Kandun Industrial Park, Cixi, China, is specialized in the production of fishing air Pump. The enterprise, which has the gross investment of 2 million yuan (RMB) and take the area of 2,000 square meters, is provided by two advanced fishing air pump production lines and other facilities and equipment such as hardware, baking paint, printing machine, injection molder etc. It also own 30 employee, including 5 experts with much experience. Since the beginning of operation, DIKE has been devoting to the research, development and production for Fishing air Pump. During the long time of practice, with the enterprise spirit of “credibility, pragmatic, innovation”, insisting on the demand of the market and the orientation of science, it has a Vigorous development over past years. Depending on the elegant outline and super-excellence performance, the DIKE series products occupy much market share in the serious market competition, as well export to Europe, North American, East and South Asia, and Middle East, owning good reputation around customers. Facing new market opportunity, DIKE people will devote into fishing field with much more passion, create new achievement, and promote fishing culture, which prepare for opening a new chapter in DIKE development history! We warmly welcome you to come to visit our company,and establish business relationship with us.
      迪克渔具有限公司是一家专业生产中低档增氧泵渔用产品的企业。 座落在著名的工业重, 慈溪市迪克渔具有限公司,。
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