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企 业 名 称:上海明悦大酒店销售部

所 属 网 库:上海休闲网库

联 系 人:周顺东先生

职 位:销售经理

员 工 人 数:未知

主 营 产 品:住宿 会场 餐饮

公 司 地 址:中国 上海 上海市浦东新区 上海市浦东新区崮山路500号

联 系 电 话:86-021-50933333-8203

电 子 邮 箱:wozaizhao8@163.com

移 动 电 话:13636....点击此处可查看手机号

公 司 传 真:86-021-68550081

注 册 资 金:未知

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    经 营 模 式:私营股份有限公司

    主 营 行 业:宾馆服务 旅行社、旅游公司


      上海明悦大酒店是早年闯荡欧洲的温州商人投资兴建的高星级精品酒店。建筑面积约五万平方米,由二十五层的主楼及五层裙房组成。酒店按五星标准建造,设施设备功能齐全;装修高雅独特,设计时尚美观,既有家的温馨亲和,又获取豪华舒适的感官认同。 酒店位于陆家嘴金融贸易区,地理位置得天独厚,距浦东、虹桥国际机场均为30分钟车程,距东方明珠、新国际博览中心均为3公里路程。酒店共有352间套设计雅致舒适的客房;(粤菜)中餐厅的出品美轮美奂,大众家庭消费,让您轻松大快朵颐;浪漫雅致的意大利餐厅、时尚的西餐厅为您带来不同的异国饮食文化新体验;富丽堂皇的多功能厅,适合举办由50 人至1000人的会议、晚宴或酒会;康乐会所能为客人提供SPA、游泳池、**、KTV、桑拿、健身等多项服务。精益求精的服务、舒适休闲的环境,上海明悦大酒店是您商务会议旅游的理想选择。 上海明悦大酒店恭垂您的光临! Shanghai Minya Hotel, a luxuriously appointed hotel, was established by a Wenzhou entrepreneur who established himself in Europe before returning to China to invest in the hotel industry.The Hotel has a total build-in area of 50,000 square meters and is composed of a main 25-storey building that is accentuated with an adjoining 5-storey low-rise that skirts around the main structure. Strategically located in the Lujiazui financial zone, three kilometers from the Shanghai New International Expo Center and the Oriental Pearl Tower, 30-minutes from the Pudong and Hongqiao airports, Minya Hotel provides an exemplary 5-star hotel environment for business and leisure, with distinctive service. Minya Hotel offers 352 guest rooms and suites handsomely decorated to create a warm home-away-from-home ambience; 5 food and beverage outlets featuring delectable Cantonese cuisine, elegant French Buffet, authentic Italian fare and a chic Swiss Cafe. In addition, Hotel guests may also unwind at our KTV Lounge, Spa or heated in-door swimming pool.Also home to a grand ballroom that can accommodate up to 1,000 guests, the Hotel is a preferred venue in the city for intimate cocktails and prestigious international conferences. We look forward to welcoming you to Shanghai Minya Hotel! 中国上海浦东新区崮山路500号(近张杨路) 500 Gushan Road, Pudong District, Shanghai 电话 / Tel: 86 (21) 5093-3333
      上海明悦大酒店销售部 上海明悦大酒店上海市浦东新区崮山路500号(近张杨路)( 上海明悦大酒店 )点评 亲,说点啥子嘛 。
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