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企 业 名 称:新美國際有限公司

所 属 网 库:上海休闲网库

联 系 人:蕭偉興 Mr. Wai-hing Siu 先生

职 位:Manager

员 工 人 数:11 - 50 人

主 营 产 品:箱包 鞋,手袋 家政、烹饪、外语培训 仲介服务 专业人才培训 Maid Agency Housekeeping Culinary Training

公 司 地 址:中国 上海 上海市浦东新区 浦东新区金桥 金工路

联 系 电 话:86-21-50320837


邮 政 编 码:201100

移 动 电 话:13816....点击此处可查看手机号

公 司 传 真:

注 册 资 金:未知

经 营 模 式:其他有限责任公司 ;生产加工

主 营 行 业:旅行包 专业技能培训 人才中介 清洗及保洁服务 家政服务


    About Us Samax International Limited established in 1997 is the merchandising specialist on luggage, womens hand bags, sports shoes and garments.Our services range from sourcing the best fit manufacturing facilities, materials; sample development based on sketches or original samples; price negotiation, quality control, inspection in the course of and in the final production . Samax has been appointed as the agent by well known importers in Germany and England since 1997 with excellent track records. To better serve our customers, our Hong Kong delegated officers with an experienced quality control team have set up in Shanghai, China since 2002. Customers’ Major Benefit Saving customers’ valuable time in searching for the right factories, sourcing required materials, and monitoring the whole course of production. Most importantly, we aim at meeting workmanship requirements and shipment schedule. We are “No Trading company.” Our associates company - Dennis' Kitchen, A one-stop Ayi employment agency, houskeeping & culinary training center, which specialize on serving expats - Western, Asian & HK households. Our high standard and professional culinary trained Ayi not only can manage standard western, asian and chinese cuisine, but being with hands-on experience in hygiene practices, standardizing recipes, costing and inventory control.Why? we share the same language, we understand the cultural differences and we eyes on the world (like no other of the doemestic agencies in China) 我司是新美国际有限公司,专营拉杆箱、箱包出口十多年,产品行销欧洲、英国等。 今年更积极发展内销市场,上海旗舰店正在筹备开业。现在更诚招各省代理、批发商。详情请参考商机发布 除箱包业务,我们联营公司"丹尼司厨房" 一家集家政、烹饪、外语培训和仲介服务的一站式机构。服务对象为西方、外国家庭、港澳台同胞,对家政服务无论在卫生、烹饪,清洁方便都有较高要求的高端客户。经我们公司严格挑选、培训的员工,都有基本的英语口语能力,更掌握基本西莱、港式标准烹饪方式,附合阁下的健康饮食要求。我们也培训人员了解外国生活文化礼仪,令大家在工作相处上更加融洽。
  • 标题:消防工程服务好 | 内容:三恒消防工程厦门分公司服务质量好 | 时间:2012/9/2 21:00:22
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网评:欢迎来到新美国际有限公司的中国产品网商铺网站首页,我公司位于风景秀丽,交通便利的中国 上海 上海市宝山区 天山路288弄,主要经营圆珠笔 ; 透明文件夹/袋 ;。
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